A set of Sustainability Guidelines and Regulations has been introduced by Eco Regions as part of the development strategy. Sustainable architects, legislators and environmental activists have engaged in a joint effort to minimize the environmental impact of the development in Tanjung Ringgit, Southeast Lombok and Eight Islands, Northwest Sumbawa. This set of rules and recommendations is more than a legal instrument to ensure environmental values are secured over time; it is an essential part of the branding of Eco Regions. The aim is to create a sustainable platform that protects the environment and the long term values of the region, finding solutions to common problems and to work together to avoid problems that can be eliminated by good design, implementation and cooperation.
Addressed to all commercial partners, these rules and recommendations cover the three pillars of sustainable development: environmental, social and economic. The main objective is to ensure energy savings and a low use of resources, introduce the use of sophisticated green technologies in order to take responsibility for the impact of the development project. By introducing legal instruments to protect the environment and providing suggestions on how to limit the project’s environmental impact, the intent is to raise awareness and promote a sustainable, natural way of life.
The Sustainability Guidelines and Regulations are divided in three parts, namely Design&Building, Landscape and Community. Design & Building covers building development; with the aim of limiting the disruption of the original site and the depletion of resources, it sets the implementation of passive design strategies and the use of sustainable and recycled materials. The Landscape section introduces norms on landscape, soil and local biodiversity conservation. It gives directions on health and safety standards, the adoption of alternative sources of energy, water management and on the minimization of environmental nuisances. Both encourage the development of waste management and recycling programs, and advise on effective solutions to ensure water and energy efficiency. The Community section promotes sustainable and ethical business practices. From supporting local production and manpower to introducing regulations on joint ventures with the local community, it also puts forward requirements and suggestions to limit waste, eliminate products harmful to the environment and to limit noise and light pollution. Last but not least, it introduces a “Green Fee”, levied in favour of education, environmental, health and other sustainability programs.
“It is relieving to take part in this sustainability exercise” said Paula Huerta Andres, the architecture head of the sustainability team and one of the main stakeholders in the drafting of the Sustainability Regulations and Guidelines. “I think this is the only way to move forward; if we want to ensure a future for our kids, there is no other solutions than creating eco-regions that abide by a strict sustainability development model.” added Paula, who has long experience as a sustainability architect and consultant. “Indonesia’s environment is at risk; raising awareness is only part of the solution; there is the need for a massive work of education of local people, businesses and tourists to ensure the environment is being preserved for future generations.” she added. Indeed, she highlighted that the implementation of this set of regulations can be a boost to tourism in the regions, as people visit Indonesia for its culture and natural environment, and they will be much happier if they find pristine waters, thriving biodiversity, clean beaches and happy and empowered local people.